Posted in #contemplating, #thankful, Inner Feelings, Living, Love, Memories

I’ve been kissed by the sun (2001)

The first time we met, 
I felt that you’re going to change my life. 
Something in your eyes told me;
that together we’re going to be in paradise. 
And we became friends; 
and I found in you the friend I’ve been looking for. 
But unfortunately, 
I can’t hide these feeling inside me anymore: 
Every time I hear your voice 
I want to tell you how much I care 
Every time I look into your eyes 
I want to give you my life to share 
Every time I’m by your side 
I want to reach for your arms 
And every time you touch me 
I feel I’ve been kissed by the sun. 

Posted in Heart Break, Inner Feelings, Living, Love, Memories, Uncategorized

I Fell in Love with a Star

Once I fell in love with a star

It was near to me, but still too far

It was shining brightly in the sky

Anyone can recognize it, it’s not very hard

I used to talk to it all night long

But it did not talk back to me or respond

I spent years longing to reach it

But one day, I looked around and  it was gone

I told myself maybe it’s life, no more

It  takes away what we cherish the most

Days and nights then days and nights

My life was empty without your light

Darkness was all over my sky, with no clue where you are

I was shy to ask those who know you

where I can find you or how to talk to you

One day I found you, but you were not alone

You  had a fellow star that takes you home

I was happy to see you, and jealous too

I was not used to the fellow who was with you

But I told myself it’s better that way

Better than never see you all of my days

I will never talk to you like before, but yet I am happy

that you still exist in my world

I will get to see you from time to time

But deep down inside I want you, but on my own way

I longed to talk to you alone like before

without your fellow that reminds me;

that you are not mine anymore

One day I saw you from afar

you were with your fellow star

And behind you, I can see a baby one

I cried so hard and I knew that you were gone

You  will never be mine alone

Days and nights then days and nights

My life was empty without your light

Then one day, I found you alone in my sky

You needed a friend, and here you are

We talked together like never before

You made me feel complete and whole

You used to come to talk each night

and I used to fell asleep in your light

I told you all what I have inside

I want you to come for the rest of my life

But once again you come and go

After I used to expect you every night, you are not here anymore

Right now, I look to the sky and pray

To catch a glimpse of you anyway

Will I spend my life like that?

Will I wait for you to appear again from time to time?

Will I be always in love with you my star?

No matter where you go,

I know you will always be right here in my heart.

Posted in #contemplating, #details, Dying, Fear, Friendship, Growing Up, Inner Feelings, Living, Love

Will I LIVE before I DIE??

Meeting new people

Seeing new places

Changing your world

Sharing secrets with your best friend

Falling down

Rising up from the ground

Having a chance to start all over again

Falling in love

Breaking up

Loving without hope

Feeling the first touch from the one you love

Enjoying your first kiss, even if it was not that good

Dressing for your wedding day

Being afraid of the commitment to someone for the rest of your days

Erasing your fears with his embrace

Observing the first glance from your first born

Touching her fingers and wondering how small she is

Combing your girl’s hair

Saying goodbye to her on her first day at school

Being a friend to your kids

Sacrificing your life for them

Watching them grow

Being considered as their only pain

Getting old

Savoring being surrounded by family and friends

Feeling weak

Wrinkling skin

Detesting loneliness

Starring at the ceilings

Closing your eyes

Resting in peace

I wonder if those moments will pass me by

I wonder will I LIVE before I DIE?